Benvic Spain leads energy efficiency initiative

Discover Spain's forefront in energy efficiency with BENVIC IBE S.L.U., pioneering sustainable practices with the support of public subsidies.

Discover how BENVIC IBE S.L.U. in Spain is at the forefront of the energy efficiency movement, driving innovation and sustainability forward. Learn about their groundbreaking project, supported by EU funding, aimed at revolutionizing energy consumption in manufacturing. This initiative promises significant environmental and economic benefits, showcasing Spain's commitment to a greener future.


Paving the Way to Sustainability

BENVIC IBE S.L.U. has received assistance for its energy saving and efficiency project, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by IDAE and managed by the autonomous communities, funded by the National Energy Efficiency Fund, with the aim of achieving a cleaner and more sustainable economy.

A project for energy saving and efficiency has been developed, consisting of the replacement of a line for the production of thermoplastic compounds. The collaboration of the best equipment manufacturers in the sector has been required, who will provide us with significant energy and environmental savings in the process. Thanks to the project, 154.36 tep (tonnes of oil equivalent) are saved annually.