Dotcore PP RH40 00 TR1

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PP RH40 00 TR1
PP RH40 00 TR1


Polymer compounding is essential in adapting various materials for particular applications and environments. The skills of the compounder are always key in bringing new products to market.
Benvic - Europe’s leading compounder since 1963 - has over sixty years of experience balancing cost, performance and innovation for its PVC-based compounds. Benvic now brings that same successful technology to polyolefin technology; firstly through a brand new range of polypropylene-based compounds - DotCore PP.
Benvic’s DotCore PP compounds serve the market demand for the excellent cost / performance ratio that is offered by polypropylene. Polypropylene enjoys great demand throughout the world, and every year sees ever more variants.
The key issue lies in finding the right compounder to deliver custom solutions.
Benvic unequivocally answers that call with DotCore-based PP technology; generating precise and scalable formulations for optimum customer outcomes around reinforcement, MFI and color matching mainly. Other extra such as flame retardancy, thermal stabilization and UV resistance are also available.